Cherif Medawar is the Nation’s #1 Commercial Real Estate Investment Mentor, Author and Fund Manager.
Cherif’s style of educating investors is in a class by itself. All levels of investors trained by Cherif will explain his way of teaching is like no other trainer out there and at a level that no one shares publicly.
Cherif Medawar has spent over 30 years creating applicable CRE strategies for every level of investor and breakthrough structures to scale!
Cherif’s style of educating investors is in a class by itself. All levels of investors trained by Cherif will explain his way of teaching is like no other trainer out there and at a level that no one shares publicly. His successful methods have attracted ABC’s “Shark Tank” celebrities such as Daymond John and the billion-dollar man Kevin Harrington. But most importantly, INVESTORS like you are learning from him! You are the people he is teaching and working with every day.
Cherif’s JV Partner Program is a turnkey business model for you to start investing in commercial deals or scale your personal portfolio. Most residential investors are looking for the right asset class to get started in commercial— but they are afraid of the unknown. Invest with Cherif in vacant standalone buildings even as the economy takes a rocky turn. That’s where we find the most profitable deals! There is zero risk to you, only the opportunity of your lifetime. Join Cherif’s JV Partner Program and cash the check to prove One Deal Can Change Your Life in 2025!
The Program includes ALL YOUR LEGAL FEES to structure and set up your real estate fund with the SEC and gives you the benefits of working directly with Cherif to solidify the best STRUCTURE, feel confident with a solid pitch, learn how to manage your fund, and apply the most effective COMPLIANCE systems to keep your deals, your investors and YOU, as a Fund Manager safe!
The Commercial Real Estate Roundtable (CRERT) forms the foundation upon which commercial real estate wealth is created. It is a new training format that is interactive learning at its finest. Through genuine examples and detailed strategies, Cherif will show you his proven strategies for all 12 types of property.
Cherif is among the most accessible millionaires in the country; Cherif Medawar has for 26 years educated and advised attorneys, retired judges, small business owners, and professionals seeking real estate investments.
His successful methods have attracted ABC’s “Shark Tank” celebrities such as Daymond John and the billion-dollar man, Kevin Harrington.
Vice President at Cherif Medawar Real Estate Investing
Cherif Cracked the Code on Guadalupe’s FUND LAUNCH!
In OSJ, Guadalupe worked with Cherif to map out her strategy to develop her land projects across the southeast US and in Mexico.
The plans are in place and now her structure is complete to start pitching to her investors and raising the funds needed to break ground!
We are impressed with her progress and thrilled to watch her scale her portfolio.
She is a Developer and now a Real Estate Fund Manager launching her RegD!
What happens when a successful commercial real estate investor decides she wants to scale her portfolio and quickly increase the NNN retail buildings she has under management??? She reaches out to the nation’s expert on structuring RegD real estate funds and immediately sets up.
Maya met with Cherif Medawar to learn his Capital-Raising Secrets and become an expert in her private placement documents so she is credible and confident when working with her investors.
This new RE Fund Manager spent the entire day with Cherif at his home in LA prepping her plan to LAUNCH her Fund next week.
Cherif gave her the exact plan to create profitable deals (NNN) for the portfolio, he gave her the strategies & pitch deck to Raise capital, and he outlined a solid Compliance, Marketing & Management plan to implement, long term, for the success of her investors and her projects.
Cherif woke up early to hit Cristo St. and check in with a few of his tenants. And then he met up with Mark, an investor who now lives in PR and is set up with Act 60. He’s ready to scale his business and get into some exciting new commercial projects!
Cherif spent an entire day working privately with Mark to ensure that his private placement was ready to rock! He will start raising capital for his projects in the State and in Puerto Rico!
He has set up a RegD 506c, has perfected his pitch, and has a marketing plan and compliance plan in place based on Cherif's system.
Cherif Medawar is heading to the West Coast!
2 large investor group presentations in Ft. Lauderdale
1, 1-Day Advanced Commercial RE & Syndication training for BPM REIA
1, 2-Day Syndication, RE Funds, JVs & Partnerships training for Soflo Investor Group
1, JV Partnership Program intensive training day in PR
And 2 Private 1-Day Consultations for 4 NEW RE Fund Manager who we set up with their RegDsCherif in Ft. Lauderdale for hosting a 2-Day advanced class on Real Estate Syndication, Structuring RE Funds and Raising Capital to Scale Commercial RE Businesses!
This small group setting was very powerful and helped these investors clarify the direction they will take in the next 90-Days.
It was a pleasure working with these investors and we look forward to tracking their success.
24 hours after the training we were getting calls about the deals they are putting together in TX, FL and NY.
- Oliver is lining up a National Tenant with a deal in Coney Island.
- Javon has a sublease he’s structuring outside of Dallas
- Lenin & Andres are working with Cherif on structuring their RegD to raise capital for the expansion of their FL rental property.
- And Zhanna is researching STBs outside Miami.What happens when a successful commercial real estate investor decides she wants to scale her portfolio and quickly increase the NNN retail buildings she has under management??? She reaches out to the nation’s expert on structuring RegD real estate funds and immediately sets up.
Maya met with Cherif Medawar to learn his Capital-Raising Secrets and become an expert in her private placement documents so she is credible and confident when working with her investors.
This new RE Fund Manager spent the entire day with Cherif at his home in LA prepping her plan to LAUNCH her Fund next week.
Cherif gave her the exact plan to create profitable deals (NNN) for the portfolio, he gave her the strategies & pitch deck to Raise capital, and he outlined a solid Compliance, Marketing & Management plan to implement, long term, for the success of her investors and her projects.
Cherif Medawar spoke in Ft. Lauderdale and enlightened the SoFlo Real Estate Investors group on the power of setting up the right STRUCTURES and systems to start and scale their residential & commercial RE businesses.
Cherif outlined how these investors can work with his RE Funds or set up their own Funds to get into bigger projects in South FL and across the Country.
Bobby Sharma & Eric Greenstein brought together an energetic & sharp group of investors who are ready to invest in commercial deals and get creative with Cherif.