Warehouse & Industrial
Warehouse & Industrial
This unique property type is defined by commercial buildings used for the production, storage, import/export, or distribution of goods. Often, warehouses and industrial buildings contain loading docks, high roofs, and reinforced floors to facilitate a business’s delivery and manufacturing needs.
My online Training will teach you everything you need to take into consideration when investing in this property type, such as:
- Location to specific areas and natural resources
- Proximity to importers/exporters
- Governing laws for protection and waste,
- Nearby highways, airports, and rail systems
Are you ready to go through the Nation’s most Comprehensive Commercial Real Estate Training? It’s time to start Learning and Earning with Cherif Medawar.
Warehouses And Industrial

Nobody teaches strategies for how to invest in this property type. And I’m one of the few who is qualified to do so. As you’ll see when you start the online training course, this is specific, proven, real-life training. And you can enjoy it from the comfort of your living room!
It’s called my Commercial Real Estate Roundtable (CRERT) online series. CRERT is a new training format that is interactive learning at its finest. Through genuine examples and detailed strategies, you will learn my proven techniques for Warehouses and Industrial properties.
Why Warehouse and Industrial?
An Extremely Flexible Investment

Frequently, undesirable areas can be great for this type of property. Noisy traffic areas, airport flight paths, and remote locations that aren’t ideal for housing, retail, office, or hospitality are perfect for warehouse and industrial buildings.
But the flexibility of locale is just one advantage of warehouse/industrial. In this online training, you will discover all the aspects you need to consider as the owner of a warehouse or industrial building. Plus, there are dozens of ways to improve your property and increase its value quickly. This training has proven strategies on:
- Finding a great deal
- Locating and attracting solid, long-term tenants
- Adding upgrades such as on-site security, lighting, interior expansion, etc.
- Smart building materials
- Franchising
- Modifying your property for another use
There is also quite a bit of flexibility if you want to modify this property type. Because industrial buildings and warehouses have simple, inexpensive construction, you can convert their use easily. And maintenance? It’s practically non-existent! What’s to maintain? But just in case, I’ll show you how to find tenants that will sign triple-net leases and do the maintenance themselves!
Imagine having a triple-net investment… with no maintenance hassles… that you can manage from a distance… with a stable, long-term tenant… who even gives you a rent guarantee!
- JUST ONE building like this can make a huge difference in your finances! One deal could set you free. But what if you had two… three… or four!
I Invite You To Follow My System For Success

The best investors-whether they succeed in stocks or real estate,etc.-have a business model. They may have it written down, or it may just exist in their head. But I assure you they have a formula they’ve acquired over time.
When I first started training people in the early 2000s, I noticed my students wanted to follow my investing model…the one I’d perfected during my investing career. They didn’t just want strategies and techniques; they wanted the recipe-an detailed list of my ingredients for success. So I captured my formula for commercial real estate investing with the FACTS system.
All of my training is structured around the FACTS system. All my students use it.
It is also so good and so thorough I actually patented it. When you purchase my training, you will learn the FACTS system-the proven business model that has made me millions over the last 20 years.